Accepted Donations

# Outfit Color Size
1 Suits Navy, grey, black, charcoal, any print. NO double breasted or heavy fabrics. All sizes, especially 36-40 and 48 and up
2 Sports Coats All Colors All sizes, especially 36-40 and 48 and up
3 Trousers, Jeans, Khaki’s (Dockers’ or Dickies) All colors. No shorts, no cargo pockets, no designer markings on pockets or ripped jeans. All sizes, especially 28-32 and 42 and up
4 Long/Short Sleeve Button Up Shirts No Hawaiian prints or collarless All sizes, especially 18 and up, 36-37 sleeve length in all sizes
5 Belts All sizes, dress and casual leather, NO cloth All sizes, especially 28-32 and 42 and up
6 Dress and Casual Dress Shoes All colors. No shorts, no cargo pockets, no designer markings on pockets or ripped jeans. All sizes, especially 28 and up
6 Trousers, Jeans, Khaki’s (Dockers’ or Dickies) Must not be in need of repair All sizes, especially 9 and up
7 Work Boots and Tennis Shoes Steel toe preferred, rubber bottoms All sizes, especially 9 and up
8 Short and Long Sleeve Polo Shirts No Hawaiian prints. No company logos. All sizes especially 2XL and up
9 Undershirts, Underwear (new only please) New only, any color All sizes
10 Outwear, Jackets Overcoats, leather All sizes
1 Organizers/Planners Pens & Notepads Wallets
2 Shoehorns Cufflinks Shoeshine Kits
3 Garment Bags Sweaters Dress and Casual Socks
4 Collar Stays (Collar Stiffs) Professional Bags (Briefcase) Neckties & Bowties

When making a donation, please consider why you are giving. If you wouldn’t wear it, it would not be an appropriate item to donate in support of our mission. Outstanding reasons to donate, you lost weight, received a promotion, or retired from your profession. Our mission is to empower underserved men to achieve self-sufficiency by providing peer support, personal development training, and professional attire in order to become productive citizens in their professional and personal lives. If you have any questions, please email us at: